Sunday, July 2, 2017

Cocaine in Racing Greyhounds

To: Greyhound Pets of America and friends of greyhounds,

Wish I was writing to you under different circumstances. I’m sure many of you have read or heard about a news article getting lots of attention of late regarding positive tests regarding racing greyhounds in Florida.

While it is true that some greyhounds have tested positive, a lot is yet unknown. Many of you may know that I also serve as a racing regulator in the State of Arizona. One huge lesson I’ve learned during my 5 plus years as a racing official hearing various cases and appeals is that it’s best
to wait for all the factual information, let those charged with investigating perform that investigation and present their findings before formulating an opinion.

Right now as I see it, and I’m looking at it as someone who has loved and worked on behalf of the greyhounds for 24 years,
 we are seeing very few facts and lots of hearsay and accusations.  I would encourage everyone to hold back on any judgement until investigation is completed and all appeals have been exhausted.

I will also say, if someone is responsible for physically giving racing greyhounds cocaine, I hope those charged with performing the investigation find that person and prosecute to the fullest. If individuals or organizations are currently being falsely accused and investigation finds that out, I hope they are fully vindicated.

Greyhound Pets of America - National

1 comment:

  1. Many people handling a dog on race day, don't judge the trainers to quickly.
