Saturday, May 23, 2020

The New Savior Complex

In October of 2019 the track management of Daytona Beach Racing & Card Club contacted me to discuss the movement of the soon to be retired greyhounds at the Daytona facility. Delaware North wanted to do the right thing and start moving greyhounds out as soon as possible once they were no longer racing. I saw this as they did not want hundreds of greyhounds sitting at the track during the last few weeks of racing. When it came to adoption, Delaware North has always done what’s right for the greyhounds, in my opinion.
Since October 2019, track management kept in contact with me and planned to move greyhounds off the facility as they were graded off as there was no need to keep hundreds of greyhounds sitting around when they could be quickly moved to adoption groups.

Sadly, the efficient effort by the Daytona track to professionally transport 80 Grade D retired racing greyhounds was destroyed and the greyhounds waited at the track longer than necessary as two individuals stonewalled the effort. I can only surmise the outrage and stonewalling by these two individuals was not about the retired greyhounds but more about themselves. Was it a financial perk? Was it an issue of some type of salary? Was its personal glory? Will the truth ever come to light? Keeping greyhounds at a track that is closing just so individuals can in some way benefit is not sound. If you are about what is best for the greyhounds then each retired greyhound that is ready for adoption should at that time be sent to adoption in the safest, most effective manner possible.

(And for those who claim to be "in the know" as to my movements, I can state that I have not made any trips - secret, private, public and/or personal - to Florida in recent memory. For those who claim otherwise, feel free to produce copies of flight, hotel, rental car, photos or other documentation as fact that I was in Florida during the time you claim.)

I know many in the greyhound racing industry who do right and always have. Unfortunately, there are many from the adoption side that are now so entrenched under the pro-racing banner they no longer put their mission of adoption first and instead direct their focus on how to be more pro-racing than the next guy. Can greyhound racing in the United States survive to continue as is? My observation is that if the racing enthusiast greyhound adopters keep wearing blinders, acting as if they are the sport's salvation and continue to attack anyone who can see the facts rather than buy into the "what if", then the greyhounds and the sport will suffer due to a few who fail to put both the truth and greyhounds first.

Will I be attacked on social media because of this blog? Of course, I will, because those who prefer the lynch mob mentality will never contact me to discuss

1 comment:

  1. " . . . and instead direct their focus on how to be more pro-racing than the next guy. " I've been looking for a way to describe the mindset of the recently-emerged pro-racing extremists, and this sentence does it perfectly. The good news is that try as they might, this small, petty, often foul-mouthed minority will not drive a wedge between the responsible racing community and the adoption community, who have developed an excellent partnership over the years for the benefit of the Greyhounds and the Greyhound breed.
