Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Would you treat your dog this way?

In their newest hunt to destroy all and sundry regarding the racing greyhound, a “humane advocate protector” organization recently stated they will ask the Florida voters one simple question “Would you treat your dog this way?

What if the Florida voters learned that this same organization has a board member who was accused of “abusing” greyhounds several years ago? Does the “humane advocate protector” leadership and fellow board members fully vet anyone associated with the organization?

Several years ago, several people witnessed what at the time they called greyhound abuse by the head of an adoption program. At some point, after the adoption program head met privately with the witnesses, several backed out of the claim but it is my understanding no disinterested party could investigate the charges. The person and several witnesses quickly left an organization that would have investigated the charges and made factual determination if greyhound abuse had taken place.

While an investigation was not able to be conducted due to the principal’s departure from the organization, just knowing that action was witnessed and reported makes one wonder if the “humane advocate protector” organization has the right to ask anyone “Would you treat your dog this way?” when one of their board members may have done exactly what the “humane advocate protectors" often pillory greyhound trainers for doing?

We will never have the true facts from all involved in the situation but based on their previous actions, if this was someone on the greyhound racing side the “humane advocate protectors” would be running to every media outlet with the story regardless of documented facts and asking, “Would you treat your dog this way?” 

So how would you treat your pet dog(s) in an extreme situation if their safety was at risk? 


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