Friday, December 11, 2015

Pooping On Others

Ever consider that the candidate you feel is an idiot may be the candidate a friend supports? Would you walk up to friend and call them an idiot? Would you post a picture of your friend with dog pooping on them to get a laugh?

While I’m not a Trump supporter I have friends who are, friends who are in the greyhound community. I would never put a picture out of one of my greyhounds pooping on them or something they believe in or support. (actually I would never circulate a photo of one of my greyhounds pooping or vomiting as I feel it's degrading to the breed I love and respect)

Remember – not all of us believe and support the same things. That is no reason to go pooping on the views or political choices of others. And if you are going to go pooping on others, don’t hide behind a dog - show yourself in the photo pooping on others.

Why is Washington so dysfunctional? Well maybe it is because DC is mirroring society as a whole. A society that seems ok with pooping on others!  Poop is not the answer. It just ends up stinking. If we want to enact change we need to stop pooping on others and reach out, working together and realizing we will not agree on everything, 

If we work together with respect each other we will rid ourselves of the stench that surrounds us and enact that much needed change.