Monday, October 30, 2017

Part III - Ethical-fair-good-honest-honorable vs. Bad-dishonest-immoral-improper-unethical

UPDATE – As of the time and date of this blog, the alleged "allegations" and incorrect statements that were distributed against Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) via Facebook have finally been retracted.

There is never a reason not to do the right thing and no excuses to not follow proper procedure and protocol at all times regarding our greyhounds. Any group that will not take back their adopted greyhounds – Shame On You!!!

In the near future I will be posting a list of all the current true GPA chapters so that the public can be apprised of what are real charter members of Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) with operating procedures they must follow and national oversite. This will allow you to know the difference between a true Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) chapter and groups who chose a name with an acronym of " GPA" in order to trick you into thinking they are something they are not.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

PART 2: Ethical-fair-good-honorable vs. Bad-dishonest-immoral-improper-unethical

"Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now – always” -  Albert Schweitzer

Remember when Coca-Cola dropped New Coke on us and tried to convince the consumer that it was just like the old Coke? Coke drinkers knew better and even as much as Coca-Cola tried to convince us it had the same taste, we all knew it was not Coke, it was fake Coke.

In the greyhound world we have some organizations trying to pretend they are still Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) chapters but please be aware they are fake GPA’s and no longer have any connections to the real GPA. These groups are former GPA chapters who left Greyhound Pets of America by their own choice and yet chose names like Greyhound Pet Adoptions, so that they can fool the public into believing they are part of the real GPA with using a name that still has the acronym GPA.

In Part 1 of this series, we learned that a Ms. Darla Dean is accusing Greyhound Pets of America of not taking responsibility of the greyhound supposedly returned by its owner. I say supposedly as Ms. Dean has not contacted GPA-National with the facts regarding this situation. 

Continuing to smear Greyhound Pets of America, one of Ms. Deans friends has now jumped in with this defense. This friend states as her fact that the organization has been “outed” because of a photo of a dog tag. However, this outing is not an outing of Greyhound Pets of America as this friend of Ms. Dean tries to paint:

While this photo clearly shows a G.P.A. Florida Southeast Coast dog tag, this particular chapter of Greyhound Pets of America resigned its GPA charter in the 2014-time frame and now goes by the name of Greyhound Pet Adoptions S.E. Florida...yes, a fake GPA. Per the Greyhound Pet Adoptions S.E. Florida website their phone number is 561.478.3006. Clearly Ms. Dean's issue is with Greyhound Pet Adoptions S.E. Florida regarding this 4-year-old greyhound.

While this photo shows a dog tag, one of 4 that is being claimed to have been on the dog Ms. Dean pulled from the shelter, GPA-National would have no record of a dog that was adopted via a former chapter after they have left the organization especially if the former chapter was just "using up" old dog tags rather than destroying them. Sadly, over the years GPA has received countless calls via the 800 number regarding found greyhounds with out of date tags from former chapters however existing GPA chapters have always stepped up to assist these greyhound’s former chapters would not take back.

As of the date and time of this blog post, GPA-National has yet to receive nor did receive any contact regarding this dog nor information on the history of this dog.

While the photo clearly has the GPA 800 number on it the dog tag in question, Ms. Dean knows from her days with GPA that if she had called the 800 number one of our volunteers would have returned the call. Also, she is well aware of and can easily find the GPA website and from there could have emailed any and all of the 5 GPA National officers with this situation. Why she elected the path she has taken is something only she can say. Is bashing an organization she once left more fun? Only Ms. Dean can say. I can tell you from my own experiences with GPA over the years, the real GPA would have done everything to bring this greyhound into the real GPA family even though placement was done by a wannabe GPA.

It is time for Ms. Dean to stop slandering a well-respected national greyhound adoption program, and it is time for the fake GPA’s to stop using our name and information.

Ms. Dean can share the facts with the GPA National officers and set the record straight. 

Why she has not only she can say.

Well Darla and friends - I leave you with this:

Ethical-fair-good-honest-honorable vs. Bad-dishonest-immoral-improper-unethical (Part I)

With a title like that I imagine many of my readers are expecting another episode of "As the Humane Advocate Protectors Squirm". Not this time however today's blog is about someone who is of a like mind as our least favorite “humane advocate protectors” so it doesn’t surprise me at all that she stooped to behavior that is clearly bad, dishonest, immoral and improper so as to smear a long standing, well-respected greyhound adoption organization and make herself appear as a social media savior of greyhounds. 

I’ve been involved with Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) on various levels since 1993. During my tenure as a GPA National officer, I have reviewed and addressed numerous complaints and investigations and I know that if an issue is correctly reported to GPA regarding someone doing the greyhounds wrong and/or not following policy and procedures, GPA takes the issue seriously and does all it can to rectify the situation.

The following post was made on October 28th 2017 on Facebook.

Please note that the red arrow points to the world icon which in Facebook jargon means that the person who posted it has made it available to the world to see and read and did not make it a post only visible to her Facebook friends or a select group of people. She alone is the one who made a public post with allegations and opened that post for the entire Facebook community to see. She had no problem with her name being on such post, so I will address her by name in this blog, as it is only fair considering she saw nothing wrong with opening her views to the social media public.  And in fairness I will tell you that a group of people could not see Ms. Darla Dean's Facebook post nor could they respond to Ms. Dean's post and allegations against a national greyhound adoption group because Ms. Dean has blocked several Greyhound Pets of America (GPA)-National officers and spouses for reasons unknown to any of the GPA-National officers and as such the GPA-National officers could not respond to Ms. Dean's litany of allegations and insults regarding GPA. As of the date and time of this blog's posting Ms. Dean has still not contacted GPA regarding her allegations, has not unblocked anyone to allow them to respond to her Facebook post or retracted her incorrect portrayal of the adoption standards of Greyhound Pets of America. 

Blocking individuals on social media to make sure the facts are also blocked. Could this be a trick she learned from other "humane advocate protectors"? Was she hoping to inflict damage? Did she think the facts would remain hidden?

Doing right by the greyhounds means that you will always speak truthfully and report any improper behavior to the proper authorities. What type of person uses a greyhound in a position of true need and spins it into a diatribe of self-glory? As of the date and time of this blog, Darla Dean has failed to contact anyone with Greyhound Pets of America – National.

I can assure all of my readers, if a GPA chapter failed this greyhound I will do all within my powers to rectify the issue. If Darla Dean, who is a former GPA member and who left GPA of her own free will, now feels the need to smear each and every one of the many hard-working volunteer’s GPA as well as members of the National Greyhound Association then SHAME ON YOU DARLA DEAN!

Darla, you can resolve this by providing me all correspondence in possession and timelines as to your claims that a “GPA Chapter turned its back on this greyhound”

Darla don’t you agree that resolving the “alleged” issue directly with GPA-National officers would have been the ethical, fair, honorable and responsible way to handle things rather than a global post smearing the members of GPA? If it is indeed all about the greyhounds isn't that what someone who believes it is all about the greyhounds would have done?

I and the Greyhound Pets of America-National officers as well as the social media world at large await the reasons for your "allegations" against GPA and your full accounting as to EXACTLY why you failed to contact Greyhound Pets of America yet took possession of a returned greyhound and rehomed it and then berated GPA publicly.

UPDATE – As of the time and date of this blog, the alleged "allegations" and incorrect statements that were distributed against Greyhound Pets of America (GPA) via Facebook have finally been retracted.  After reading parts I&II be sure and read Part III

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Is it all about the greyhounds?

This past weekend I was at The Dewey Gathering and noticed just a few folks wearing a purple shirt which they purchased from an event held in a national hotel chain brand in Lewes/Rehoboth Beach, Delaware area during the same weekend.

The back of the purple shirt had the slogan “It’s all about the Greyhounds”, yet this shirt was purchased from an organization that is run by an individual who is a convicted child molester who is required by law to register for life as a sex offender. 

What was the crime of this individual? Molesting two young girls. 

What does this individual's organization bring in from the t-shirt sales and donate to greyhound adoption? Difficult for anyone to know as the organization files a 990N and thus a factual financial report of anything is unavailable to the public, who apparently is to fully believe the word of this individual when it comes to donations. Much like parents believed that a teacher was on the up and up then suddenly discover the teacher is molesting children.

So, while you may be proud to wear a shirt that says “It’s all about the Greyhounds” which was sold to you by this individual, be very sure it really is about what you are being told and it is not really about paying event expenses, reimbursements and frills for the organizer first and only then if there are leftovers will anything be donated to greyhound adoption, providing of course that those greyhound adoption groups volunteer their time to "work" at the individual’s events

So what next? Is someone going to start an on-line fundraiser to get donations to help this individual's not-for-profit so that his not-for-profit can raise funds?

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Tick, Tock?????

Does anyone find it a bit disturbing that a convicted child molester with lifetime sex offender registration uses the phrase "Tick,Tock Clarice" in a newsletter regarding an upcoming greyhound event where children and women may be present?

Simplicity – what needs does a convicted child molester desire?