Several years ago an
attorney for the "humane advocate
protectors" made this comment “This is a Nixonion pattern of intimidation and harassment by the
track owners.”
Since that comment,
the "humane advocate
protectors" have:
- Circulated an email urging supporters to “refrain from
interacting” with an adoption program.
- Had an attorney send letters to various adoption programs
threatening to "report" them to the IRS.
- Called adoption leaders “Dog Killers”
In recent months, “humane advocate protectors" and
- Have taken images without permission from adoption groups
which the groups use to raise money for adopting ex-racing greyhounds.
- Circulated posted graphics that call greyhound adoption
group members by name saying they are "animal abusers".
- Attempted to damage the reputations of individuals in
greyhound adoption and their abilities to find homes for ex-racing greyhounds.
- Sent an email to a group indicating greyhound adoption
provides an "opt out" and the "humane advocate
protectors" are ready to use their resources and
political connections against those who do not share their mission.
Now who exactly is
showing a pattern of intimidation and harassment? When did the "humane advocate protectors" decide
that attacks and threats to those involved in greyhound adoption were acceptable,
encouraged and/or condoned?
Sounds like the "humane advocate protectos" are taking lessons from their mentors in harassment & intimidation... ALF. Tho', the same could be said of their good friends over at PeTA & HSUS.